Hi, there! I'm Joan Clark, a proud AGGIE. I'm running for the Woodland Hills Board of Directors and I need your support to make our community all that it can be. I love our neighborhood, and know it can be so much more than it is today. I miss the early days when I moved here and there was a more complete sense of community; neighbors waving to each other and helping each other out; conversations happening easily.
If you have lived here any length of time you have probably seen me and my faithful companion, Canyon, around the neighborhood.
Canyon is my beloved, therapy dog and is a friend to all. He walks on an electronic leash and has never met a stranger. When you see us out and about, please stop to say hi. We love meeting new friends.
Where I Stand On the IssuesAm I qualified to sit on the Board of Directors? Absolutely! I have lived in this neighborhood for 9 years, owned two businesses, and am a Licensed Professional Counselor.
This means I work with people towards conflict resolutions. When tempers flare, I help calm the waters and give people an opportunity to step back and see things from a different perspective. The funny thing is, people have to WANT to work on their problems. As a WH Director I will always work to resolve our problems in a mutually beneficial way and without coercion.
Licensed Professional Counselor
I have owned two businesses over the course of my lifetime. This has given me great experience in administrative duties, operations and management, human resources, and most importantly, finance and budgets.
Homeowners MUST be kept informed of Board activities! Minutes should be released promptly. Currently, minutes from the board meetings are taking months to be released. The latest example is the August 2024 and November 2024 minutes were BOTH released in January 2025. We must do better!
I live on a cul-de-sac with THREE board members. The things I have recently learned and witnessed through this election process have challenged my feeling of community and peace. So, I am running for the Board of Directors to make a change, and I want your support.
I believe, as does the law, that HOA Board of Directors have a fiduciary responsibility to all the upstanding members of our community.
IMPORTANT! If you did not get your ballot, contact Association Services at (979)822-4443 and ask for a copy today!
All HOA members deserve fair treatment under the rules of our HOA. I believe in the Golden Rule: "Treat others as you, yourself, would like to be treated."
HOA dues have increased 55% in the last six years. Our current dues are higher than our neighbors in Pebble Creek, Spring Meadows, and others.
You deserve to know exactly how your money is being spent.
IMPORTANT! If you did not get your ballot, contact Association Services at (979)822-4443 and ask for a copy today!
I believe in transparency and will work towards making sure our fine neighbors here in Woodland Hills are kept informed.